Contact details
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that:
Teresa del Portillo is the owner and manages the exploitation, management and functioning of the website
– Any notice shall be made to: calle Fernando VI, 2 28004,Madrid
– You can address any communication to us by email at
Your access and/ or use of this website gives you the condition of USER, and as such, you accept the General Conditions of use set forth herein, which shall at all times apply independently from the General Conditions of contracting our services, which, as the case may be, would apply.
Use of the website gives to the USER many services, products or data (hereinafter, the “Contents”), which belong to BEBEAWAY, or to third parties which the USER may get access to. The USER assumes the liability for its use of the website. Such liability is extensive to the registration that may be necessary to make for getting access to certain services or Contents. In such registration, the USER shall be liable to provide truthful and legal information. As a consequence of such registration, the USER will be given with a password which he/she is liable to. USER undertakes to use such password diligently and on a confidential basis.
The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the Contents and services that BEBEAWAYoffers in its website, and including but not limited to, do not use it for:
Incurring in illegal activities, or against the good faith and public order;
Disclosing racist, xenophobic, illegalpornography, terrorism apology or attending human rights. contents or publicity.
Causing damages to BEBEAWAY, itssuppliers or third parties, introducing or disclosing in the network, IT viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause any of the aforementioned damages;
Trying to get access, or using other users emails and amending or modifying their messages
BEBEAWAYreserves its right to withdraw those comments and contributions that breach the respect for the dignity of persons, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, or that attempt youth or childhood, order or public security or that, at its own discretion, are not adequate for its publication.
In any case, BEBEAWAY shall not be responsible, within the legal limits, of those opinions made by its web users through any participation tool.
Intellectual Property
All signs, trademarks, business names, contents, structure, design and form representation elements and any other information included in this website are of BEBEAWAYproperty, either directly or as assignee and are protected by intellectual property rights.
Unless expressly authorized by BEBEAWAY, the USER is forbidden to reproduce, transform, distribute, make public announcements and, in general, any other form of exploitation of the elements referred to in the preceding paragraph.
USER shall abstain from using tools that may delete, modify, elude or handle any protection devices or security systems that may be installed and that may imply a risk or damage or misuse of the website and/or its Contents.
USER undertakes to comply with applicable law related to intellectual property matters.
BEBEAWAYshall not be liable to third parties inappropriate use of this website. It is neither liable on the information that through such website may be transferred to third parties. The User’s use of the Contents and the eventual consequences and damages that it may cause, shall be of the exclusive liability of the USER.
BEBEAWAY exemption of liability
BEBEAWAYshall not be liable for any kind of damages caused to the USER for the use of links, directories and search tools that allow USERS to access to websites owned and/or managed by third parties, including a viruses or other malicious codes in the Contents which may cause any kind of damage to the USER IT system, electronic documents or files. Consequently, BEBEAWAY shall under no circumstances be liable of any kind of damages (either direct or indirect) that may cause, including but not limited to: Content errors or omissions, unavailability of the website or transfer of viruses or malicious programs or injurious contents, even when it has taken appropriate technologic measures to avoid these events.
BEBEAWAYreserves its right to instate legal actions that it may deem appropriate for any third party illegal use of the Contents of its website.
BEBEAWAYreserves its right to change or amend its website, with no prior notice, as it may consider, in which case it may change, delete or add contents and services to be rendered, including relocation of these as currently shown in its website.
Moreover, BEBEAWAY reserves its right to freely modify, at any time and at its own discretion, the General Conditions, which shall be duly published in this website.
If links or hyperlinks to other sitesare inserted in the domain, BEBEAWAY shall not have any control to those other sites or contents. Consequently, BEBEAWAY shall not assume any liability on third party website contents or links, and shall not guarantee technical availability, quality, trustworthy, exactness, amplitude, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or informationcontained in such hyperlinks or other websites. Likewise, the inclusion of such external connections shall not imply any type of association, merger or participation with third party connected entities.
Exclusion right
BEBEAWAYreserves its right to deny or withdraw the access to the website and/or offered services with no prior notice, at its own or third party discretion, to those users that breach the General Conditions.
BEBEAWAY shall take care of any breach of the General Conditions and any misuse of its website, by exercising civil or criminal legal actions it may be entitled to under applicable law.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The relationship between BEBEAWAY and the USER shall be governed by Spanish common law and any dispute shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid.